Exercise Your Pain Away

I nactivity is one of the biggest contributors to chronic pain, and it has also become a risk factor for a number of common chronic diseases like diabetes, obesity and heart disease. Quite simply, avoiding activity is almost guaranteed to eventually make your pain worse. Our bodies were made to move, and when we resist that, it creates all sorts of problems for us, including a vicious cycle of more and more pain. The worse we let the pain get, the harder it will become later to get our bodies moving and regain our strength.
Industrialization and advances in technology allow us to get by with doing less and less. If we aren’t mindful of the need to stay active, we run the risk of letting pain take over our lives. What’s worse, other deadly chronic diseases will set in, creating an exponential decline in our quality of life.
This book will introduce you to some of the most useful exercises in overcoming chronic pain as well as guide you toward anti-aging practices designed to keep you fit and active for years to come. Learn to explore ancient healing arts like tai chi and yoga, as well as more modern techniques like pilates and traditional physical therapy. Honor and appreciate your body for the sacred temple that it truly is.